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Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis) (Host Defense)

Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis) (Host Defense)


Agarikon is now extremely rare, surviving in the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. Fungi Perfecti has focused on building an extensive culture library to preserve this species.

Host Defense® Agarikon uses activated, freeze-dried, Certified Organic mycelium, with a full spectrum of constituents: polysaccharides (beta glucans, arabinoxylane, glucose, xylose, galactose and mannose), glycoproteins, ergosterols, triterpenoids and other myco-nutrients.

-Full Spectrum of Constituents


As directed by your healthcare professional


Serving Size:  1 capsule

Amount Per Serving
Agarikon mycelium ... 500mg
(Fomitopis officinalis)

Other Ingredients: Freeze-dried myceliated brown rice, Pullulan (an extra-cellular polysaccharide)